Posts tagged as "uncategorized"

This Is Where I Belong (Hometown Heartland – Ep. 6)

November 23, 2021

Dear little dreamer Kylie,  I know how much pressure you put on yourself. Sometimes it feels like the world is on your shoulders, but let me assure you, being perfect is over rated. The things that you think are the end of the world now are barely even a memory for you 10 years from. […]

My Form Of Therapy (Hometown Heartland – Ep. 5)

November 23, 2021

Dear little dreamer Kylie, I love how much you love your family and your best friends. Make sure you hold on to them tightly and never take one moment with them for granted. I also know how much you love Nashville, and 700 miles can feel really far sometimes. It’s scary to think about moving […]

For The Ones I Looked Up To – (Hometown Heartland – Ep. 4)

November 23, 2021

Dear little dreamer Kylie, I know you try to be perfect. I know you rethink every single choice and decision 10 times before you do it. You are always worrying what other people will think of you or say about you. Well, let the future you be the first to tell you…..being perfect is overrated. […]

What I’m Made Of – (Hometown Heartland – Ep. 3)

November 23, 2021

Dear Little Dreamer Kylie,  “You can have anything you want, you just have to work for it.” I know Dad has told you this since you can remember. Well, truth is….he could not have been more right. They say Nashville is a 10 year town, and every single year you’re here will be about growing […]

How I Got My Pink Guitar (Hometown Heartland – Ep. 2)

November 23, 2021

Dear little dreamer Kylie,  Little do you know that little pink guitar Papaw got you for Christmas, is going to be the start of a life you could only dream of. All those times running to your dress up drawer and putting on some sort of tutu or sparkly dress to put on a show […]

My Road To Nashville (Hometown Heartland – Ep. 1)

November 23, 2021

Dear Little Dreamer Kylie,  Hey you. I know this might be crazy, but this is the future you. The Kylie that’s been though a lot more than you have. The one who’s been through the heart breaks, the highest highs, and everything in between. I wanted to write you because I know how you’re feeling […]